Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Symphony Fantastique by Berlioz

Time: Romantic

Timbre:  Instrumental
Melody:  embellished melody featuring numerous sections of the orchestra
Harmony:  beautiful harmony that conveys many emotions throughout the piece
Dynamics:  the piece has a broad range of dynamics that range from P < FFF
Rhythm: Fast tempo that gives the sense of marching

This is a romantic piece because of the great emotion and dark topic explored by Berlioz of someone getting decapitated.

Nocturne in E minor by Chopin

Period: Romantic
Timbre: instrumental, piano
Melody: beautiful melody that repeats in some sections
Harmony: delicate harmony that enhances the beauty of the piece
Dynamics: most of the piece was in a p and grew slightly, but no harsh dynamics
Rhythm/tempo:  piece had a moderately fast rhythm but maintained a delicate balance

This is a romantic piece because of the stressed emotion and it greatly expresses the beauty and simplicity of the piece.

The Erlking by Franz Schubert

Time: Romantic
Form: Narrative Ballad

Timbre: Instrumental & vocal
Melody: Embellished melody with a sad, despaired, and dark feeling to it.
Harmony: Full harmony with both piano and the vocalist
Dynamics:  Gradual crescendos that offer variety to the song
Texture: Homophonic
Rhythm/Tempo:  Strong beat, goes from fast to slow

This is a clear romantic piece due to the expressive tone color and the colorful harmony.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

String Quartet No. 4, Op. 18, Movement IV: Rondo- Ludwig van Beethoven

Period: Classical

This awesome piece has an instrumental timbre featuring the awesome sounds of two violins, a viola, and a cello.  The harmony is full and upbeat with some slower and deeper features.  The dynamics vary with crescendos and features that are in all f or p.  The texture is homophonic with a recurring theme and I'm pretty sure at one point it was polyphonic? But it was kind of hard to tell since it was such a small group but both were playing interacting parts.  It had a fast rhythm when it features the leading violin, but sometimes slowed down to a more relaxed tempo.  This is clearly a classical piece because its in Rondo form as well as the melody was easy to remember.

Introduction to the opera Don Giovanni- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Period: Classical

The introduction to this opera has an instrumental timbre that evolves into a timbre with operatic vocal features later on with an embellished melody that features a wide pitch range.  The harmony is full with strong themes beautifully interlaced with one another.  The dynamics are grand with both P & f as well as with grand crescendos.  It has a homophonic texture and involves a fast upbeat tempo that leads into the action packed opera.  This is a clear classical piece because everything involved great balance as well as, well, its Mozart.

Symphony No. 94 "Surprise" by Joseph Haydn

Period: Classical

This piece has an instrumental timbre with a sweet, slow, and playful melody that involved a changing pitch range and maintained a short and light sound throughout the piece.  The harmony was sweet and playful with varied themes and featured major chords.  The dynamics were pretty much all over the place starting off with  P and the famous ff chord that everyone (insert sarcasm) loves so much.  It has a homophonic texture and a rhythm that starts off slow and seems to change to a faster pace.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fugue in G minor

By: J.S. Bach
form: Fugue
period: Baroque

This piece features a instrumental timbre with and embellished melody with a wide pitch range.  The harmony is exquisite in that it its full and interacts beautifully within itself and the other voices.  It has simple dynamics in that it allows us to experience crescendos in a simple form growing from piano to forte.  The texture is polyphonic and it has a simple fast tempo.  This is a clear baroque piece because A.) its a FUGUE and B.)it has extensive use of imitation when it comes to the "subject".  Great piece.