Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Symphony Fantastique by Berlioz

Time: Romantic

Timbre:  Instrumental
Melody:  embellished melody featuring numerous sections of the orchestra
Harmony:  beautiful harmony that conveys many emotions throughout the piece
Dynamics:  the piece has a broad range of dynamics that range from P < FFF
Rhythm: Fast tempo that gives the sense of marching

This is a romantic piece because of the great emotion and dark topic explored by Berlioz of someone getting decapitated.

Nocturne in E minor by Chopin

Period: Romantic
Timbre: instrumental, piano
Melody: beautiful melody that repeats in some sections
Harmony: delicate harmony that enhances the beauty of the piece
Dynamics: most of the piece was in a p and grew slightly, but no harsh dynamics
Rhythm/tempo:  piece had a moderately fast rhythm but maintained a delicate balance

This is a romantic piece because of the stressed emotion and it greatly expresses the beauty and simplicity of the piece.

The Erlking by Franz Schubert

Time: Romantic
Form: Narrative Ballad

Timbre: Instrumental & vocal
Melody: Embellished melody with a sad, despaired, and dark feeling to it.
Harmony: Full harmony with both piano and the vocalist
Dynamics:  Gradual crescendos that offer variety to the song
Texture: Homophonic
Rhythm/Tempo:  Strong beat, goes from fast to slow

This is a clear romantic piece due to the expressive tone color and the colorful harmony.